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event management
stage design
sound design
light design
in collaboration
For us, zeitraum Festival 2019 is one of the most overwhelming moments of the past few years: Where enthusiasm met melancholia, a breathtaking symbiosis was formed which we will never forget. As part of the festival’s crew and over a few months, we experienced visions becoming reality, concepts on paper becoming three-dimensional constructions and countless numbers becoming actual visitors. Working on this project as a joint effort has proven to us that both team spirit and trust are able to unleash unimagined strengths. Due to the festival’s no-photo-policy, we are only able to provide you with a brief insight.
“Minimalist, futuristic, organic”
On behalf of the zeitraum collective, we would like to once again say a huge thank you to all visitors, supporters, artists and others involved. It is a deeply enriching project.
Even after last year's cancellation (2020) and a continuing difficult situation, we remain hopeful that there will be another event in 2021. Stay strong, stay healthy & check out the zeitraum website regularly to stay up2date.
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